How do I install StatCounter using MySpace?

  1. Sign up for a free account at StatCounter and follow the steps to create your first project and generate your StatCounter code.
  2. If prompted, make sure to choose MySpace from the list of Installation Guides.
  3. Copy the StatCounter code.
  4. Log into your MySpace.com account (opens in a new window) with your email address and password.
  5. Go to the "Profile" menu and click "customize".

    My Space - Customize

  6. Select "Modules".

    My Space - Modules

  7. Choose "Add HTML box" and press "Close".

    My Space - Add HTML Box

  8. Insert your StatCounter code in the HTML box and select "Save Changes".
    Note: You may uncheck the "Display Title" box or you may keep the box checked and label as you like (for example: My Stats).

    My Space - Insert Code

  9. Once you have saved your changes, you may drag and drop the HTML box where you'd like on your profile.
    Note: My Space does not allow the use of Javascript. For this reason, some stats will be unavailable for example; referring links, keyword analysis, page titles, downloads, etc...

StatCounter is now active on your My Space profile and will immediately begin recording visitor information.

These instructions have been compiled and verified: November 2012

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