How do I install StatCounter using Tripod?

  1. Sign up for a free account at StatCounter and follow the steps to create your first project and generate your StatCounter code.
  2. If prompted, make sure to choose Tripod from the list of Installation Guides.
  3. Sign into Tripod (opens in a new window)
  4. Click Sitebuilder tab from the set of tabs on the bar at the top. Make sure that your HOME PAGE is displayed.
  5. Click Site Add ons icon at the bottom.
  6. Click one of the locations at the bottom of the web page that show up where you want to place the code and see the StatCounter icon. It is a good idea to have this icon show because it will prove that the Statcounter code is active in that page. It will be a small line saying Add your Site Add on here. This is where the Statcounter icon will show up.
  7. Click on Business Tools
  8. Click on Add next to the Add HTML code here
  9. Copy and Paste the Statcounter html code in the box provided.
  10. Click on Done tab at the bottom of the box. This will automatically save your code to ALL the web pages in your site, besides your Home page.
  11. Click the publish to Web icon
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