Using Statcounter

Analyze Your Landing Pages

View trends for landing pages on your site with a breakdown of referrals from search engines, other websites, social media and paid traffic campaigns.

The Pages feature in Statcounter gives you insight into how landing pages on your website are performing over time and how visitors are finding each page. This is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal and can help with the many different types of landing pages on your website. In this guide we'll take a look at how it works.

While Logged in to Statcounter, visit your Projects page. Navigate to the relevant project by clicking on the project title and select Pages from the navigation sidebar.

The Pages report in Statcounter

The Pages report shows a list of all the landing pages on your website, ordered by popularity. The date range selector enables you to see which landing pages were popular for a given range. If you have a large website with many landing pages and you want to analyze a page that doesn't appear here, you can use the Title Match and URL Match filters to find it.

Using Filters to find a page.

The small external link icon beside the page URL will open your website page in a new tab. To analyze a page, you can select the blue page title or the Page Analysis link at the far right of each row.

Page Analysis

The Page Analysis page in Statcounter

The Page Analysis page shows you traffic trends for the selected landing page for the last 30 days. The large line chart displays the total number of sessions per day.

A session in Statcounter is when somebody visits your website, browses one or more pages, then leaves. Please note that if you created your Statcounter account prior to 2017, the term Unique Visits will appear in place of Sessions.

The four smaller charts show you a breakdown of traffic for the same period from the following four traffic sources:

Search Traffic

Traffic from organic search queries on search engines such as Google and Bing. This excludes paid search listings (see Paid Traffic).

Website Referrals

Traffic to your landing page from links on other websites.

Social Traffic

Organic traffic from social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. A further breakdown of each social traffic source appears below this chart. Social traffic excludes paid social traffic (see Paid Traffic).

Paid Traffic

Paid traffic from sources such as Google and Bing Ads, Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads. Paid traffic also displays a further breakdown

Breakdown of social and paid traffic sources.

Different landing pages on your website have different jobs. The job of your contact page is very different to that of your PPC landing pages, your blog articles or your homepage. The Pages feature helps you track and optimize each type of page on your website.

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| Analyze Your Landing Pages | View trends for the landing pages on your site with a breakdown of referrals from search engines, other websites, social media and paid traffic campaigns.
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