I've been using StatCounter for a while but it seems to have stopped working. It's not tracking any more visitors. What's wrong?

Please double check your web site to make sure our code is still installed. The most common cause of this problem is that the StatCounter code has been accidentally removed or altered.

For safeties sake you can try removing *all* of the old StatCounter code and re-installing a fresh copy of the code. You can get a new copy of your StatCounter code with these steps.

1. Login to StatCounter
2. Click the project name you need the code for
3. Click the mini-wrench icon towards the upper left hand corner
4. Click the "Install Code" link
5. Follow the directions in the guide

If it still doesn't work, then create a very basic test page to see if it works on that page.

Another cause of this problem is that other code on your page is interfering with the StatCounter code in an unexpected way. To get around this you can try moving the StatCounter code towards the top of the page.

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